Friday 17 November 2006

This is Brand Crusader...

Welcome Citizens of the Earth

I Brand Crusader am here to uphold the right of consumers globally. In these adventures and commentaries I will dispense justice on those who do us "The Consumer" a disservice and reward with praise those who do the right thing. Plus lots of pointers, advice, critiques, adventures and rants to products and service in between.

Stay tuned as I comment on the best and the bad of brand activities

Your humble savant

Brand Crusader


Anonymous said...

Do you have nothing better to do with your time? I have an idea how about you put your time and energy into something worthwhile. Check out

Brand Crusader said...

Dear Anonymous

Thankyou for your suggestion. Just wanted to let you know that another part of me (an alternative personality) is also involved in that important campaign to make poverty history (but under a different guise).

Of course in the real world nothing can compare to the real world challenges of poverty, and this blog may seem irrelevant when compare to such noble quests of the campaign to "Make Poverty History"

My Brand Crusader campaign for "Let The Hobbit Happen" is like a religious quest for ringers like myself, to have the best story told by the best story tellers of something we cherish (something which is quite dear to us) its like a second religion for us.

Or in the case of passing comment on the commercial environment such as my KFC story, hopefully us consumers get the pass comment on companies and products to get a fair deal in the world or just to have a bit of fun so companies dont take themselves too seriously (spending money to have have their logo seen by martians instead of making poverty history).

In both campaigns "Make Poverty History" and "Let The Hobbit Happen" we are asking for more fairness in the world.

Well done on your passion for "Make Poverty History" I agree that any quest in the name of popular culture like I have listed on these pages compared the quest of Greater Human Needs of Making Poverty History would seem like folly to anyone.


Brand Crusader