Tuesday 19 December 2006

Brand Crusader and "You" Named Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2006


You and I won the 2006 Time Magazine’s “Person Of The Year” Award, beating major celebrities, world leaders, despots, scientists and philanthropists for all of our noble work on Web 2.0

You can read the story at… http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1569514,00.html

Also the Sydney Morning Herald have a blog called “Mash Up” in which yours truly contributed part of this story to regarding us all winning this illustrious award in which it asked whether we deserved this recogntion…


Yes, I did deserve this recogntion and so did you!

But our work has only just begun. We need to look at other areas where we we should be considered as "number one" as consumers and where the importance of "YOU" and "ME" and "US" is truly and substantially rewarded.

As fans of entertainment products and as consumers of other products and services, we all deserve a better deal and more of the equity pie.

For our investment (in each transaction we make) and in our serial focus given to a product or service (through brand loyalty as a continual customer) and for just allowing it (the product or service) to be in our mind set.

We should be asking for more of a return on investment for our contribution for the dollars we spend in the world or allow to be spent on our behalf (politicians, ad agencies, corporations and super fund managers please take note).

Let's now all ask for more and renovate our focus on capitalism (which lines the pocket of an elite few) to a better format that we may choose to call (for want of a better term)"consumer-equityism"(sic), where we all get a proper return on investment.

Perhaps instead of shopper loyalty cards (e.g flybuys), they should issue us with company shares when we give a product or service so much of our attention and share of wallet.

Could this be a n'you era?

"YOU" have the power, make them pay you more!

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